"Your philosophy defines your attitude which determines your actions, which creates your results"


What we do

If you don't have the right philosophy within your operation, you will not generate the results you’re expecting. As the quote indicates, the wrong philosophy gives the wrong attitude which limits action and effects your results.

Have you found, that your fleet reliability and availability is declining and your costs are increasing and the initiatives that have been put in place are not working, it maybe time to look towards a different strategy.

Our clients have been able to make some positive changes, very quickly, to get the results they were needing by applying our recommendations.

It all begins with a Site Review where a detailed impact report of what is actually happening in the shop or in the field. We present solutions required to achieve your goals.

This process has been applied many times and the findings and reasons why maintenance departments are not getting their target KPI's are much the same.

The simple solutions we offer have worked in all cases. Clients have achieved massive changes to their operational outputs within 3 months of introducing the methods and recommendations defined in the report. The simple things are not always the easiest, it will take a management team that is prepared to believe and support change. If you don't have that capability within your team then it will be difficult for anyone to help.

To get to this point, our clients had to realise that they needed help and they took that first step to change.


If you look at history, innovation doesn’t come just from giving people incentives; it comes from creating environments where their ideas can connect
— Steven Johnson - author

What our clients Achieved

  • 40% reduction on unplanned downtime events

  • 30+% decrease in PM service times

  • Massive reductions in maintenance costs

  • PM Services without downtime

  • Global MTBF benchmarks in 3 months for Jumbos

  • Reduction in fleet numbers

There are smart Asset Managers that know they have issues and put their hand up for help and there are others that aren't.